Get PCI DSS Certified with Aprio.

Build trust with your customers with PCI DSS certification.

Aprio specializes in helping startups, high growth businesses, fintech and healthcare IT companies obtain PCI DSS compliance. As a PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) Company, Aprio can help you obtain PCI DSS Level 1 Certification.

Take the first step to becoming PCI DSS 4.0 certified, and help your organization close more deals and enable growth.

Schedule a Consultation

Dan Schroeder

Dan Schroeder,


Information Assurance Services, Assurance Partner

Shane Peden

Shane Peden,


Information Assurance,
Managing Director

Why choose Aprio as your PCI Qualified Security Assessor (QSA)?

1000+ PCI DSS Certifications completed
IAS - Results 2
Aprio IAS Client relationship average 6.5 years

Aprio simplifies growth

As a leading business advisory and CPA firm, Aprio has performed thousands of assessments for Fintech, healthcare IT, and startups. Aprio’s experienced PCI Qualified Security Assessors (QSA’s) and our pragmatic approach simplifies PCI DSS certification.

Harmonize PCI DSS, ISO 27001, SOC 2 and more.

Aprio reduces the pain of trying to comply with multiple security frameworks like PCI DSS certification, SOC 2 reporting, ISO 27001/27701 certification, HIPAA compliance, and HITRUST certification. We are one of the only firms in the industry that can do it all saving you time and energy.

We don’t lock you into a proprietary platform.

Aprio partners with top security certification platforms including OneTrust, Drata, SecureFrame, and Ostendio to streamline processes. Don’t have a platform? No problem. We can bring our streamlined processes to simplify PCI DSS compliance.

Growth services beyond security certifications

You can grow with Aprio. Maximize the R&D tax credit, conquer AML/KYC compliance, and optimize your audit and tax strategy with a single trusted strategic partner.

PCI DSS Compliance for Fast-Growing Technology Companies

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is an industry-governed information security standard for protecting payment card data and transactions. PCI DSS v4.0 includes network and system security, encryption and key management, user authentication and access control, physical security, and secure software development requirements.

The PCI DSS certification process includes completing an assessment performed by a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) organization which results in a PCI DSS Report on Compliance (ROC) and Attestation of Compliance (AOC).

PCI DSS certification demonstrates to your customers, payment processing partners, and the card brands (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, AMEX) that you are compliant with PCI DSS.

stack of credit cards

What is the process of becoming PCI DSS v4.0 compliant?

Aprio delivers the guidance and technology you need to accelerate your transition from PCI DSS v3.2.1 to v4.0.


  • Aprio gains an understanding of your business and helps you scope your PCI assessment.
  • For companies moving from PCI DSS v. 3.2.1, Aprio’s PCI Assessment Platform facilitates the mapping of 3.2.1 to 4.0 requirements.
  • We will establish a clear project timeline, milestones, and objectives.

Kickoff and Communications Plan

  • A project kickoff is conducted to align objectives and discuss the project timeline, milestones, and communications plan.
  • Aprio will work with your team to integrate into your Information Security platform of choice or establish your team's access to our platform.
  • An information request list is published and the project beings.


  • Information requests are gathered and requirement testing begins.
  • Ongoing status updates are shared, and the team begins working to achieve the project milestones.
  • The team is notified immediately of any issues, and Aprio will work with you to achieve a successful PCI DSS audit and become PCI DSS v4.0 Certified.

Reporting and Wrap Up

  • The Report on Compliance (ROC) and Attestation of Compliance (AOC) are drafted and reviewed.
  • Once finalized, the report and attestation are signed by our Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) and issued.
  • Your project is archived for reference the following year and we tentatively schedule the following year's PCI DSS v4.0 assessment.

How much does a PCI audit cost?

Your PCI audit cost is determined by its scope. Scopes may vary based on the nature of your business, and your customers and partner organizations requiring certification.

Aprio understands the challenges of realizing a return on compliance investment when completing any certification, be it PCI DSS certification, SOC 2, ISO 27001, or HITRUST certification. We work hard to streamline our audit processes and provide bundling discounts where available.

Once we have scoped your environment and needs, there are several factors considered when developing pricing. We strive to provide the following for all engagements.

Bundled Discounts:

Aprio provides discounts when completing multiple certifications of a similar scope.

Smart Scoping:

Every Aprio engagement includes scoping completed by a senior technical subject matter expert whose goal is to minimize audit scope, prevent scope creep, and right-size the assessment.

Fixed-Fee Pricing:

Aprio provides up-front fixed pricing with clearly established timelines and expectations to prevent change orders.

Let’s get started. Contact an Aprio PCI DSS subject matter expert.

Are you ready to start the journey to become PCI DSS 4.0 certified? Aprio's senior team of PCI DSS subject matter experts are here to help you meet your PCI DSS certification goals.

Schedule a Consultation