Introducing GSA’s New FAS Catalog Platform (FCP)

April 5, 2023

At a glance

  • The main takeaway: The GSA’s new, web-based FAS Catalog Platform (FCP) is a welcome application for GSA Schedule catalog management. Its goal is to make catalog management easier for GSA Schedule contractors.
  • Assess the impact: GSA will retire the Schedule Input Program (SIP) after all MAS contracts are transitioned to the new application.
  • Take the next step: The FCP is in a pilot phase from March to September 2023. Be on the lookout for more details as your contract transitions to the FCP.

Contact Aprio’s GSA Consulting team today for help and training.

The full story:

The General Services Administration (GSA) recently launched the FAS Catalog Platform (FCP), a web-based application for GSA Schedule catalog management. The goal of FCP is to replace the hated Schedule Input Program (SIP) and make catalog management easier for contractors. GSA will retire SIP after all MAS contracts are transitioned to FCP.

Who does this affect?

The initial FCP pilot, running from March to September 2023, only includes contractors in the OS4 Office Products and Supplies strategic sourcing initiative (SIN 339940OS4). All Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts will be transitioned to the FCP in phases, starting with products catalogs.

New Product File replaces PPT for products

As part of the FCP transition, GSA introduced a new Product File. The Product File will replace the existing Price Proposal Template (PPT) for products. GSA’s online contract modification system (eMod) will display a button that says “Go to FCP” for all modification types where a PPT was previously required. 

New Compliance and Pricing Report replaces GSA’s 4P report

As part of GSA’s catalog management enhancements, the FCP provides contractors a Compliance and Pricing Report, replacing GSA’s 4P report. The report includes the following information for products:

  • Pricing Flags (market threshold details)
  • Prohibited Products Flags
  • Trade Agreements Act (TAA) Flags
  • Essentially-the-Same (ETS)/AbilityOne Flags

Before submitting a modification, contractors will be able to address compliance and pricing flags from the report. This may involve changing offered pricing, removing non-compliant products, and/or providing a justification for pricing that exceeds the market threshold. Because the FCP integrates with GSA eMod, no additional catalog information will be required after a modification is approved. The FCP Product File captures all information required for listing products on GSA Advantage!® and automatically transmits the catalog data there.

The bottom line

GSA will provide onboarding instructions as contracts transition to the FCP. To learn more about the FCP, watch GSA’s demo of the minimum viable product.

For assistance using the new application, contact Aprio’s GSA Consulting team.  

Related Resources

Aprio’s GSA Consultants

Aprio’s GSA Consulting team can help you navigate the transition to the new FCP. Connect with us today for assistance with the FAS Catalog Platform use and implementation.

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About the Author

Julia Coon

As a manager of Aprio’s Government Contract Services team, Julia works closely with clients to prepare new GSA Schedule offers and post-award contract modifications, option renewals and contractor assessments. She enjoys helping government contractors navigate the complexities of the Service Contract Act and has been working with small, mid-size and large companies across an array of industries to develop and apply best practices for contract compliance.