State and Local Tax

Preparing for DC Area Government Closures

The Love Storm is taking aim on the D.C. region and although no formal announcement has been made, it is…

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The Devil’s in the Details for Virginia Sales Tax on Contractors

Keeping track of Virginia’s sales tax rules applicable to construction contractors is no easy task, especially if your business installs…

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Virginia’s New Sales Tax Rates: What Rate Applies?

Virginia’s increased sales tax rates took effect on July 1, 2013, and complying with the new rates will not be…

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Maryland Increases and Decreases Security Clearance & SCIF Credits

The Maryland legislature has increased the income tax credit for employer costs related to obtaining federal security clearances and constructing…

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Maryland Increases Personal Income Tax Rates

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has just signed legislation that, effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2011, increases personal…

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